Weight Management

Expert Case Review

“”I’ve been able to keep the weight off and I’m confident I can keep it off.” “
“”I feel so much better within myself.” “

Melanie, 56, wanted to improve her health so she could be there for her family and feel better about herself. With the help of Morelife, she was able to lose weight and started improving her lifestyle.

I didn’t like how unhealthy I felt. I’ve got an elderly mum to look after and grandchildren I help with. I wanted to feel better so I could be there for them. I also wanted to take care of myself. Finding outfits was frustrating and I wasn’t happy with how I looked. It wasn’t just how my clothes fit; it was how my body made me feel. It didn’t feel like mine anymore.

I wanted to start making changes.

During a visit to the GP, I explained I wanted to lose weight and the nurse suggested Morelife.

At first, I assumed I’d just be given some leaflets and recipes and be sent on my way. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Part of the programme explored the science of food and what it does for our bodies, which I found helpful. My practitioner, Andy, explained getting a balanced healthy diet. Later in the course, I was taught about feelings and food. Plus, how to manage eating during social situations.

I really enjoyed the fact that Morelife didn’t just focus on calories, I was taught how I could adopt healthy habits that would fit into my lifestyle. I was referred to swimming sessions, which I loved. I hadn’t been swimming properly in over 25 years so it felt great to get back in the pool.

I’ve lost 9 kilos since my time with Morelife, which I’m really pleased with. It was a slow and steady weight loss.

I found the resources helpful, especially when we talked about them in our weekly meetings. I got the chance to listen to other people who had similar experiences to me. Everyone was so supportive and offered helpful tips, which helped me on my journey.

Since finishing the Morelife programme, I’ve been able to keep the weight off and I’m confident I can keep it off.

I feel so much better within myself. I can play with my grandchildren more easily, without getting so tired. For me, this was the right thing to do at just the right time. I’m so glad I found Morelife. If you get offered to join one of their programmes, I’d definitely recommend you say yes.

During her 12 weeks with Morelife Melanie lost 4 kilos. After her time on the programme, she lost another 5 kilos. She feels healthier and is happy she gets to play with her grandchildren.

Melanie: before

Melanie: after